2 rounds with 2 minute rest between rounds of:
21 Box jumps 24/18
21 Chest to bar pull ups
21 Triple unders
21 knees to elbows
21 wall balls 2 fer 1s (squat again while ball is in air)
21 ring rows
Grass Fed beef is cattle that is allowed to roam freely to feed on grass in the pasture and drink fresh water from a stream that runs through the pasture. We have the oppurtunity to buy locally from a farm in Marengo IL. The Quarter Circle Ranch
Also here is a website www.paleo-togo.com run by our own Kathy Kelly, and she will make you a delicious PALEO lunch or dinner!!
Monday-Friday 9am, 10am, 4pm, 5pm, 6pm,
The 1pm class is by appointment only until further notice.
Saturday 10am Team workouts to be determined on a weekly basis.
We start on top of the hour and classes will typically run for the whole hour.
Feel free to contact me to setup a FREE introductory CrossFit class.
Triple unders...really?