Josh shows some core strength.
So today, I had what I thought would be a potential client (a guy) asking me if this was CrossFit. I said, standing in a pile of chalk, 'why yes it is. Do you know about CrossFit?' He responds 'yes, I do it once in a while but i think it is too easy'
I stare at him in disbelief to this guys actual fitness level, and ask what his Fran time is, and he says 'oh whats Fran?' (of course) So then I ask what weight is he using for his WOD's (other words is he doing everything RX) Long story short- pretty much it turns out this dude is not applying himself during the few workouts he has done and from what he told me he cannot do ANY of the workouts as RX'ed. CrossFit is not easy, and anyone who apllys themselves to it should know that and I know will agree with me. SO we are not going easy tomorrow.
For time:
Run 800 meters
225/185 pound Deadlift, 21 reps
Run 800 meters
225/185 pound Deadlift, 15 reps
Run 800 meters
225/185 pound Deadlift, 9 reps
Post thoughts to comments and times to comments:
Also we are having an 8am class Thursday and Friday, and a 6 am on Friday if demand is there.
Like anything else though, Crossfit has the potential to be easy from the standpoint of, not applying yourself. I will do a modified Helen with clients. Instead of running, they row 400m and the weight for the dumbell swing is adjusted to their level, as well as the weight on the gravitron for pull ups; however, I've noticed that a lot of times people will slack on rowing and on the pull ups. From my experience, people don't really care about fitness as much as they want to. Their bodies aren't used to exerting energy, so they perceive they are pushing themselves harder than they actually are. It's very frustrating at times to help people see what their actual potential is.