Note: Athlete on the left has both arms locked out at top of swing(proper)...while athlete on the left does not.
This could be for several reasons. First is flexibility. Second is rushing the movement, third the weight could be too heavy or athlete is in complete fatigue. Anyway the bell has to be locked out with the ear visible in front of the bicep on all overhead movements.
I will be offering 1 hour private training sessions for the next 2 weeks. We can work on anything you desire, from Olympic lifts, kettlebells, running technique, even mobility....its your call. Contact me for details It will be a discounted rate for unlimited members.
Shoulder press 5,5,5+
Push Press
Push Jerk
4 rounds of:
15 Toes to bars*
15 Kettlebell Snatches 55/35lb**
15 Push Ups***
* Feet must touch the bar between the hands and pass behind the plane of the bar on the back swing
** Ear must be exposed in front of bicep at top of lock out for snatch. Also snatches are a total of 15 reps.
***Push ups, CHEST to deck or no rep. Only the chest hits the deck, not the stomach or legs. Body must move in one plank, snakey or the chest lift is not allowed.
IT IS ABOUT FITNESS NOT WINNING. Through proper movement we will achieve better overall movement.
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